Monday, January 5, 2015

"The Happiest Swimmer"

"The Happiest Swimmer"

Oil on Canvas
Framed and exhibited, contemporary float frame with black liner.

auction: starting bid $175
Special price - Buy it now $400
Permanent price after auction $590

This was a fun day! We went to visit the Chatham Fish Pier on cape Cod, where fishing boats bring their catch in. It's a big operation and they have provided a viewing platform right on top of  the area where the boats come in. You look down rignt into the boats and watch as the fish are put in a big hopper and raised up to be put into massive barrels. It is QUITE a show! Part of the fun is that, where there are fishing boats, there are seals. They love getting the guts and other delicacies that the fishermen throw overboard. Well this little guy had obviously had a good meal before he glided away from the dock on his back, smile on his face. I took several photos of him, and this was the winner that got made into a painting.

Where there are seals, there are sharks, but that's another story. Just be sure to check conditions before you go swimming near Chatham!

Note: Get the best value by bidding in the auction, or by using the buy it now button if you can't wait or take a chance. When the auction is over, the painting will revert to the permanent price if unsold.

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